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Catch Me Reading Competition

Over the summer you will be challenged to do some pleasurable reading: celebrating books and their readers.

To enter the challenge, you need to take a photo of yourself being caught reading somewhere unusual, inspiring, or surprising! Remember to be safe.

You might be posing up a mountain with a book, relaxing on a beach with your fav read or cuddling with your pet and a book.

Let your imagination run wild!

Just get someone to take a photo of you reading your book. Your face or head does not need to be in the photo, the aim is to celebrate books and readers. There will be a link on the school website to upload your photo and no one sees your photo without your permission.

The photos will be used to promote reading at Park High School. Prizes will be awarded to the most imaginative photos.

Upload your photos in the form below. You must be logged into your school Microsoft/SharePoint/Outlook account.