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School Uniform and Equipment

All Students

Students are expected to wear school uniform at all times with the exception of the charity 'non uniform' days and on some fieldwork sessions. We aim to keep the uniform simple, functional and smart. The school's uniform policy is supported by parents, students, governors and staff. We rely upon parents accepting a place at Park High School to support us actively in upholding it.

School Uniform posters

Any student breaking any aspect of this policy will face the possibility of being given a uniform slip-; two of these in any one day will result in an official detention.

Please clearly label all uniform items with the child’s name.

Blazer: Navy blue, standard style - with school badge. To be worn at all times unless otherwise directed 

Pullover: Navy blue, plain knit 'V' neck long sleeves or sleeveless (not cardigan)

Shirt: Standard plain white. Must be tucked in at all times. No polo shirts

Tie: Park High School tie. Each year group has a different coloured tie**, which must be smartly tied with the top shirt button fastened

**Navy, Red, Blue, Purple, or Green, prefects wear Grey

Socks: Plain grey, black or white

Shoes: Suitable plain black or dark brown, with a low heel (not trainers, not canvas, or above the ankle). Please note black sports trainers, such as Nike, Puma, Lonsdale, Vans etc, are also not permitted

Skirt*: Black, plain, suitable length and style, (not mini-skirts or any other colour)

Tights: Plain navy blue, black or neutral

Trousers*: Plain black, plain, full length, standard cut

Headscarf: This should be in the school colours: plain black or navy (or white in Summer) and it should be worn so that the school tie is clearly visible. It must be tucked into the blazer where necessary and not be decorative or unduly lengthy to cause a health and safety risk

Lanyard: Students are expected to wear their school lanyard over their uniform

* There will be a phased rollout of this new policy. This means that we do not expect you to buy new black uniform immediately. Instead, when you need to buy new uniform, you should buy items that comply with the updated policy.

  • Lanyards with lunch cards are provided and will be replaced at a cost of £1.00 to the child if they are lost or broken.
  • Denim clothing of any kind or colour is not permitted.
  • Plain black or navy hairbands may be worn, or a colour that reflects your child’s tie colour, which differs for each year group

If students attend school in inappropriate uniform, we keep a stock of suitable items in school and they will be expected to wear these until a suitable replacement has been made (such as plimsolls to replace trainers).

PE Kit

All students must wear full PE kit for all PE lessons and Dance Lesson. This applies when injured or unwell.

School PE Kit posters

If a student is injured or unwell, they should change into kit and coach or umpire.

Polo shirt: White with school logo or plain white polo shirt with no branding.

Shorts: Navy blue shorts* with no branding.

Socks: White or black sports socks.

Footwear: Trainers.

For dance lessons students will be expected to dance in bare feet to ensure they are using their feet correctly and avoid slips and injur

*We encourage all students to wear shorts to allow a full range of movement. However, students may wear navy blue tracksuit bottoms (plain; no branding) if they wish.

Optional extras

Fleece: Navy blue fleece with school logo.

Tracksuit bottoms: Plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms with no branding.

Undergarments: Undergarments such as a white base layer or black leggings can be worn beneath shorts and/or polo shirts.

Shin pads: required for football. Students will not be able to take part in competitive football scenarios without shin pads.

Astroturf trainers (or football boots with short plastic/rubber studs where activities are on grass).

Mouth guard

All personal effects (such as jewellery) must be removed. Long hair must be tied back. Inhalers can be brought to the lesson if they are needed. Students may bring a bottle of water to a lesson if they wish to do so. Valuables (e.g. cash) should not be brought into the changing rooms. Aerosols are not allowed; deodorants should be roll on. Ties and personal effects should be zipped inside blazer pockets after changing.

Any exceptions to the rules outlined above must be agreed in advance of a PE lesson. Students should email their PE teacher or speak with their PE teacher, about the exception, to get that agreement.

All items of clothing should be labelled with name and tutor group.

Teeny Wear School Uniforms

325 High Road, Wealdstone

Tel: 020 8863 3892
website: www.teenywear.co.uk

Opening Hours:

Mon: 09:30 - 17:30
Tue: 09:30 - 17:30
Wed: 09:30 - 17:30
Thu: 09:30 - 17:30
Fri: 09:30 - 17:30
Sat: 09:30 - 17:30

Teenywear will be closed for annual holidays from the 14th of December 2024 till the 1st of January 2025.  

Opening times will be:

  • 2nd January 2025 12pm-4pm
  • 3rd and 4th January 2025 10am-5pm
  • Sunday close

From 6th January 2025 onwards normal opening times.

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Top coats: Coats of special value (e.g., leather), or which are not normally associated with school wear (e.g. with emblems, studs etc.) will not be suitable.

Jewellery: Jewellery must be kept to an absolute minimum, and any worn will have to be removed for certain practical lessons. No responsibility can be accepted for its loss. Only small, plain stud earrings will be accepted. No facial piercings are allowed. Please note that this is recommendation has been made by the Association for Physical Education in their Health and Safety guidance. This ensures the safety of students to participate actively in school life without unnecessarily endangering themselves or those working around them. Taping of facial piercings is not alternative.

Hair & make up: Any make-up must be discreet, including nail colour. No false eyelashes. Hair colouring must be discreet and natural. No vivid colours permitted. Acrylic nails are not permitted.

Sixth Form Dress Code

Students must at all times be aware of their role as mentors to the main school.

Accordingly, students will be expected to dress in a dignified manner, to be clean and tidy at all times.

  • Clothes which over-expose flesh or expose underwear are not appropriate forms of dress. For example, thin straps, low tops, low slung trousers, short skirts or dresses and cropped tops are unsuitable.
  • Clothes should not display slogans.
  • Hoods and hats may only be worn outside in inclement weather.
  • Sports wear may only be worn by PE students as appropriate during their lessons.
  • We reserve the right to issue guidance on matters such as make-up, jewellery, tattoos and piercing as necessary.

Clothing Grant

This is a one off payment to assist with the cost of purchasing school uniform for students. If your child attends Park High School and you would like to apply for a school clothing grant, you will need to contact the Head of Year directly to make an application.

Find out more:


Equipment List

Every student is expected to arrive to school ready to learn. Therefore, students must attend each school day with the minimum equipment listed below. It is also essential for students to have pencil cases (preferably a clear pencil case). 

Equipment will be checked regularly each week by form tutors. However, we rely on parents and carers to ensure that your child comes to school prepared with the required equipment.

equipment list poster