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Welcome to the Science Department

"To inspire young people to think and behave like scientists."

Head of Department:

Mr Vallance
e-mail: mvallance2.310@parkhighstanmore.org.uk


The scientific method fosters thinking skills. The very basis of science is a system of thought and experiment called the scientific method. It's where you start with an idea, create a concrete way to prove or disprove your idea, and objectively show what you have learned. Learning to follow this process helps you to think logically. Seeing the relationship between empirical

 evidence and your theory helps you to think critically. These important thinking skills can be applied in many areas of study. To give a child practise with these thinking skills nourishes a developing mind.

Science feeds a natural love for learning. One of the greatest things we can teach our children is to love learning. Science is a great medium to do so. Children are inquisitive explorers and science offers lots to explore. Because much of science is hands-on, it appeals readily to most children. Nothing makes a child sit up and take notice like the “WOW!” of a great science experiment. Science can encourage a love for learning that will spill over into other subjects.

Science opens doors to many disciplines. Building an aptitude for science can be helpful in other areas of study, for example science encourages maths. An interest in science is an interest in how things were once understood compared to how they are understood now. Thus studying science compliments the study of history. And hand-in-hand with every lab experiment is the lab report – thus writing becomes a crucial part of science. Even the study of language itself is integral to science; much of its specialist terminology can be traced back to Latin or Ancient Greek.

Science prepares for the future. Science is the basis for much of our life. Agricultural science dictates how our food is produced, biomedical science keeps us healthy, physics and mechanical science takes us from place to place, even our beds are constructed according to scientific principles. We almost literally eat, sleep and breathe science! As we prepare the next generation of consumers, voters, creators and policy makers it is critical to ensure they are not only competent in science but that they are adept.

Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3 we teach the Activate course (OUP) which follows the National Curriculum. Science topics (substantive knowledge) such as Cells, Reactions and Forces are introduced and serve as a foundation for the later topics such as Ecosystem Processes, The Periodic Table, Motion and Pressure. By teaching the National Curriculum we ensure that our curriculum is broad and knowledge-rich and equips our students with cultural capital and the pre-requisite knowledge and skills to take the next step on their academic journey from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4. Concepts such as Respiration and Photosynthesis introduced at Key Stage 3 feature in the GCSE specification. Our curriculum however goes beyond the National Curriculum with the inclusion of ‘Enrich and Engage’ lessons in Year 7 and a bespoke Forensics topic in Year 8 to help students to make connections between their learning in school and the wider world outside.

Disciplinary knowledge such as practical skills and key scientific terms are taught explicitly during two ‘Working Scientifically’ topics and consolidated through experiments linked to the substantive knowledge embedded throughout the Key Stage 3 curriculum.

Year 7

Autumn Spring Summer

An introduction to working scientifically

Elements, Atoms & Compounds





Particles and their behaviour

Structure and function of body systems




Enrich and Engage

Acids & Alkalis



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KS3 Assessment:

Assessment takes place through a variety of means including: half-termly assessed home-learning tasks with whole class feedback, half-termly practical assessments, half-termly on-line multiple-choice tests and termly topic tests.

In the Summer Term, students sit a formal, internal exam which consists of all the topics taught throughout the year. Following tests, Directed Improvement and Reflection Time (DIRT) tasks are carried out during lessons and mark schemes are shared with students via SharePoint.

All students have an individual account on the science VLE www.kerboodle.com giving them access to the digital textbook and a wealth of other resources for their course. Any students experiencing any difficulties with their work or with accessing resources are encouraged to contact their class teacher using the school e-mail system.

Year 8

Autumn  Spring Summer

Health and lifestyle


Metals and acids

The periodic table

Ecosystem processes

The Earth

Electricity and magnetism

Adaptation and inheritance


Separation Techniques

Motion and Pressure


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KS3 Assessment:

Assessment takes place through a variety of means including: half-termly assessed home-learning tasks with whole class feedback, half-termly practical assessments, half-termly on-line multiple-choice tests and termly topic tests.

In the Summer Term, students sit a formal, internal exam which consists of all the topics taught throughout the year. Following tests, Directed Improvement and Reflection Time (DIRT) tasks are carried out during lessons and mark schemes are shared with students via SharePoint.

All students have an individual account on the science VLE www.kerboodle.com giving them access to the digital textbook and a wealth of other resources for their course. Any students experiencing any difficulties with their work or with accessing resources are encouraged to contact their class teacher using the school e-mail system.

Year 9

Autumn Spring Summer

Working scientifically revisited

GCSE Chemistry

GCSE Biology

GCSE Chemistry

GCSE Biology

GCSE Physics

GCSE Biology

Science is taught is a spiral curriculum where topics are revisited in increasing complexity in each key stage and so before students embark on the GCSE course there is a consolidation period during Year 9 of key stage 3 content and skills. Students will be reminded of how to plan a scientific investigation, key scientific terminology, graph skills and practical write-up skills. In addition, a required practical activity for each subject (Physics – Hookeʼs Law, Biology – Reaction time and Chemistry – Rates of reaction) will be completed during this time to apply these skills.

After the October half-term, students will begin the GCSE course content covering topics from the Combined Science course (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) schemes of learning.

KS3 Assessment:

Assessment takes place through a variety of means including: half-termly assessed home-learning tasks with whole class feedback, half-termly practical assessments, half-termly on-line multiple-choice tests and termly topic tests.

In the Summer Term, students sit a formal, internal exam which consists of all the topics taught throughout the year. Following tests, Directed Improvement and Reflection Time (DIRT) tasks are carried out during lessons and mark schemes are shared with students via SharePoint.

All students have an individual account on the science VLE www.kerboodle.com giving them access to the digital textbook and a wealth of other resources for their course. Any students experiencing any difficulties with their work or with accessing resources are encouraged to contact their class teacher using the school e-mail system.

Key Stage 4

In Key Stage 4 we teach the AQA Combined Science (Trilogy)/Separate Sciences course (OUP) which follows the National Curriculum.  We teach a spiral curriculum building on the topics first introduced in Key Stage 3 but with increased complexity, for example Cell Structure and Transport, Structure and Bonding, Forces in Balance.

Students have the opportunity to apply the substantive and disciplinary knowledge gained at Key Stage 3 and 4 to at least 22 GCSE Required Practical Activities which help them acquire hands-on experience and to further appreciate the relevance of their studies.

Year 10

Autumn Spring Summer

GCSE Biology

GCSE Physics

GCSE Biology

GCSE Chemistry

GCSE Required Practicals Review

GCSE Chemistry

All students will follow the Combined Science course until the end of Year 10.

Based on their progress at the end of Year 10, students will be routed towards the Separate Sciences course or remain on the Combined Science course. All students will continue to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics however those entered for the Separate Sciences course will cover one third more content and receive three GCSE certificates instead of the two GCSE certificates on the Combined Science course.

Students are encouraged to carry out wider reading either from the recommended websites, the textbook or as directed by their classroom teacher.

KS4 Assessment:

Assessment takes place through a variety of means including: half-termly assessed home-learning tasks with whole class feedback, half-termly on-line multiple-choice tests and termly topic tests.

In the Summer Term, students sit a formal, internal exam which consists of all GCSE topics taught up to that point. Following tests, Directed Improvement and Reflection Time (DIRT) tasks are carried out during lessons and mark schemes are shared with students via SharePoint.

All students have an individual account on the science VLE www.kerboodle.com giving them access to the digital textbook and a wealth of other resources for their course. Any students experiencing any difficulties with their work or with accessing resources are encouraged to contact their class teacher using the school e-mail system.

Examination Board:

AQA Combined Science

AQA Biology

AQA Chemistry

AQA Physics

Useful Reading Material:

AQA Biology third [edition] Oxford University Press AQA Chemistry third [edition] Oxford University Press AQA Physics third [edition] Oxford University Press

CGP GCSE Biology for AQA (Grade 9-1) The Revision Guide Higher

CGP GCSE Biology for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Workbook Higher

CGP GCSE Biology for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Answer Book Higher

CGP GCSE Chemistry for AQA (Grade 9-1) The Revision Guide Higher

CGP GCSE Chemistry for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Workbook Higher

CGP GCSE Chemistry for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Answer Book Higher

CGP GCSE Physics for AQA (Grade 9-1) The Revision Guide Higher

CGP GCSE Physics for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Workbook Higher

CGP GCSE Physics for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Answer Book Higher

CGP GCSE Combined Science for AQA (Grade 9-1) The Revision Guide Higher or Foundation

CGP GCSE Combined Science for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Workbook Higher or Foundation CGP GCSE Combined Science for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Answer Book Higher or Foundation

Year 11

Students will work towards qualifications in either Separate Sciences (Three GCSE certificates) or Combined Science (Two GCSE certificates).

Combined Science students will have finished the majority of the course content in the Autumn term, allowing the rest of the time to be spent on revision of the Required Practical Activities, reflection on content and exam technique practice.

Students being entered for the Separate Sciences course will complete the Separate Only content of Biology, Chemistry and Physics until the Summer term.

KS4 Assessment:

Assessment takes place through a variety of means including: half-termly assessed home-learning tasks with whole class feedback, half-termly on-line multiple-choice tests and termly topic tests.

Both the Combined Science and Separate Sciences courses complete external GCSE examinations which take place in May / June (the breakdown of these exams is found below).

All students have an individual account on the science VLE www.kerboodle.com giving them access to the digital textbook and a wealth of other resources for their course. Any students experiencing any difficulties with their work or with accessing resources are encouraged to contact their class teacher using the school e-mail system.

GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy)

6 terminal examinations (2x Biology, 2x Chemistry and 2x Physics).

Higher tier or foundation tier.

Each paper is 1hr 15mins long and is worth 16.7%

Separate Sciences:

GCSE Biology

2 Biology terminal papers

Higher tier

Each one is 1 hr 45mins, worth 50%

GCSE Chemistry 

2 Chemistry terminal papers

Higher tier

Each one is 1 hr 45mins, worth 50%

GCSE Physics 

2 Physics terminal papers

Higher tier

Each one is 1 hr 45mins, worth 50% each

Examination Board:

AQA Combined Science

AQA Biology

AQA Chemistry

AQA Physics


Course Specification:

Combined Science

AQA 8464 GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy)

Separate Sciences

AQA 8461        GCSE Biology

AQA 8462        GCSE Chemistry

AQA 8463       GCSE Physics

Qualification obtained:

GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy)                   

GCSE Biology 

GCSE Chemistry 

GCSE Physics 


Useful Reading Material

AQA Biology third [edition] Oxford University Press AQA Chemistry third [edition] Oxford University Press AQA Physics third [edition] Oxford University Press

CGP GCSE Biology for AQA (Grade 9-1) The Revision Guide Higher

CGP GCSE Biology for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Workbook Higher

CGP GCSE Biology for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Answer Book Higher

CGP GCSE Chemistry for AQA (Grade 9-1) The Revision Guide Higher

CGP GCSE Chemistry for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Workbook Higher

CGP GCSE Chemistry for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Answer Book Higher

CGP GCSE Physics for AQA (Grade 9-1) The Revision Guide Higher

CGP GCSE Physics for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Workbook Higher

CGP GCSE Physics for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Answer Book Higher

CGP GCSE Combined Science for AQA (Grade 9-1) The Revision Guide Higher or Foundation

CGP GCSE Combined Science for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Workbook Higher or Foundation CGP GCSE Combined Science for AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam Practice Answer Book Higher or Foundation

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