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Sixth Form Curriculum  

We offer a wide range of A Level subjects at Park High. Most students will study 3 A Levels as these are all that are required by universities, but the more demanding option of studying 4 A Levels will be open to students with the appropriate grade profile at GCSE. Further Mathematics is also offered as a fourth A Level.  

The specification of A Levels are linear, meaning the formal assessment is at the end of two years of study. At Park High, we have designed a programme of study that maximises the amount of lesson time over the full duration of the course reflecting the value we place in excellent teaching and learning. Each subject has five periods of direct contact time each week with extended reading and home learning set weekly to support students in their learning and to enhance their appreciation of each course. Students do not sit Public Exams at the end of Year 12. There are internal examinations which occur at the end of Year 12 and at the end of the Autumn Term in Year 13 ensuring students are well prepared for the challenge of terminal A Level examinations in the Summer of Year 13.  

Students are timetabled for supervised private study four periods per week and have access to the incredibly well-resourced Learning Resource Centre in the Sixth Form Block. 

Our Sixth Form is focussed on preparing students thoroughly and effectively for adult life equipping them with the skills and character virtues of resilience, integrity, compassion and curiosity which will enable them to succeed and contribute to society as responsible citizens. Our 6th Form assembly and tutor programme covers a wide range of topics to support students, including student finance; exam organisation and preparation; professional conduct/respect; self-esteem and resilience and dealing with exam anxiety. A bespoke post-18 Pathways Week informs students of the alternative routes available to them and includes sessions delivered by our Sixth Form Team as well as our CEIAG lead and visiting speakers. With 10 dedicated Form Tutors, who provide advice and guidance on both academic and pastoral matters, students receive a personalised daily experience as they transition through the sixth form. 

Such is our commitment to preparing our students for adult life that in addition to Form Time, all Park High Sixth Formers engage with one period per week of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHCEe). These sessions follow a carefully planned curriculum covering Critical Thinking, the Theory of Knowledge, Philosophical and Ethical concepts, as well as developing on their understanding of Citizenship and RSE (Relationships and Sexual Education). Sixth form students have an input into the course design to ensure the course addresses their evolving and emerging needs. PSHCEe is assessed through classroom activities and end of unit presentations. Planned by subject experts and delivered by tutors we ensure the best possible support for our students’ personal development and pastoral care. PSHCEe provides an important opportunity to explore issues that are relevant to the social, moral, spiritual, cultural and personal development of our students.   

Around 15-20 students each year choose to complete an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) on a topic of their choice. It must be above or beyond their A Level studies and usually comprises of a 5000-word academic essay and logbook or an artefact and 2000- word summary. The EPQ demonstrates a student’s ability to research and write in depth about an academic issue and is promoted by many of the most competitive universities. Some will reduce the offers made to students who have successfully completed an EPQ.