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Park High School’s Sporting Triumph

Our Park High Students have achieved an extraordinary milestone by being crowned Harrow Borough Champions in both boys' and girls' sports for the inaugural year of the schools ranking competition. This remarkable feat, spanning a wide array of sports throughout the academic year, underscores the school's commitment to excellence and broad participation.

The competition allows schools to compete for the title of Harrow Borough Champions in individual sports, with teams earning ranking points based on their placements. These points are then accumulated in the Harrow Schools Sports Championship league tables. Park High School proudly topped both the boys' and girls' tables at the end of the 2023-24 season.

Notably, we also boasted the highest participation rate across the borough, continuing Park High’s rich tradition of success. We have secured an impressive fifteen borough titles during the 2023-24 season. We achieved first or second place finishes in every sport we entered. Major victories included titles in Netball, Football, Rounders, Cricket, and Athletics. Additionally, we were runners-up in two closely contested Basketball finals and triumphed in Volleyball, Badminton, and Table Tennis competitions across multiple age groups.

 “The PE department are thrilled to see the effort, enthusiasm and hard work of the students paying off. To see students develop their confidence in lessons, build an interest for a sport and then turn this into a passion at our extra-curricular clubs (and beyond) is extremely rewarding. We continue to ensure students get the very best offer here, maximising the use of the great facilities we have, expert staff in our team and specialist coaches we employ.” Mr Byrne, Head of PE

Beyond our on-field successes, our Park High students have enriched their sporting experiences by attending professional fixtures, receiving coaching from external experts, and even acting as mascots for the England Netball team at the Copper Box Arena.

“The sporting excellence at Park High is second to none. To see our students striving to be their best through their sporting endeavours brings us much pride. It is their hard work as individual sports men and women and their collective teamwork that has enabled them to achieve this double title-topping accomplishment supported by our wonderful staff.” - Colette O’Dwyer, Headteacher

Our championship wins highlights not only the athletic prowess of Park High School's students but also the dedication of their teachers and coaches. Their combined efforts have cultivated an environment where students can excel in sports, build confidence, and develop a lasting passion for physical activity.