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Statutory Information

Below are links to key statutory information which must be published on the school website as specified by the Department For Education. 

Statutory Information

Links to Information
School Contact Details

School name, postal address and telephone number, name of headteacher, name of chair of governing board.

Contact Us

Policies and Information

Name and details of your special educational needs (SEN) co-ordinator (SENCO) 

SEN information report .

Special Educational Needs

Policies and Information

Behaviour policy

Charging and remissions policy

Whistle-blowing policy

Accessibility plan

RSE policy

Complaints procedure

Policies & Procedures

Statement of values and ethos Ethos
School Performance Data
Most recent Ofsted report  Ofsted Report
School and College performance tables www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk


Progress 8 score, Attainment 8 score, % of pupils achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths,  % of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate and pupil destinations



Progress, Attainment, English & maths progress and Retention.

Pupil Destinations

KS5 Results




The school’s approach to the curriculum and curriculum for each subject and details of whom to contact to find out more about our curriculum.

KS3 & KS4




Remote learning provision E-Learning
Careers Programme 

Careers & Employability

Policies & Procedures

Admissions arrangements and Appeals information



Sixth Form Admissions  Applications 
Pupil Premium Strategy

Details of how the pupil premium was spent in the previous academic year and The impact of the previous year’s expenditure. Amount of pupil premium allocation for the current year.

Pupil Premium / Free School Meals

Governor Details 

Governor Information

Names, Committee, Term of Office, Date of Appointments. Register of business and Pecuniary Interests and Attendance record. 

Trade Union Facility Time Governors
Financial information 

Financial and Legal Information including current memorandum of association, articles of association, funding agreement, annual accounts and reports.

Number of employees whose gross annual salary and benefits exceed £100k

School Accounts


High Paid Employees