Year 13
This PSHCEe curriculum for year thirteen is drawn from the PSHE Education Programme of Study also incorporating key concepts of citizenship.
The Programme of Study can be found here:
It is also informed by the local Chimat profiles, staff, student and parent voice. The year eleven PSHCEe curriculum is comprised of five units – each of these are assessed at the end of the half term through a written, canvas based or speaking and listening assessment. There are no formal examinations.
The curriculum begins by building on their UCAS and personal statement work undertaken in year twelve. In the second half of the autumn term they explore what it means to be financial capable with a focus on adult life including pensions, mortgages, taxation and setting up your own business. In the Spring they consider health with a focus on issues relevant to becoming an independent adult such as registering with the NHS, vaccinations and getting enough sleep. In Spring two they return to the topic of relationships and sex looked at in previous years thinking at a more mature level at issues such as consent and sexualisation in the media. In the first half of the Summer term they prepare for staying safe at University including a self-defence lesson before moving on to focus on managing their emotional wellbeing particularly during exams through an analysis of effective revision strategies and study skill techniques.
All these curriculum topics are looked at using a variety of learning strategies including role plan, discussion, debating, writing, and interactive learning techniques. They allow students to develop their self-awareness whilst broadening their understanding of the world and developing key skills such as empathy, critical thinking and collaboration.
Recommended websites/sources for support can be found under the relevant tab
The programme is always under review to keep up to date to ensure it meet the needs of the students and in response to current issues/topics. For this reason, there may be some changes to the curriculum during the year. If there are any key areas/topics which you feel should be addressed and currently aren’t please contact Ms Barker (Head of PSHCE) on
Sex and relationships education (SRE): Parents do not have the right to withdraw their child from SRE that is part of National Curriculum Science. Parents do have the right to withdraw their child from other aspects of the programme (that are not statutory) that may be taught in PSHCE. If a parent wishes their child to be withdrawn from SRE lessons they should discuss this with the Headteacher and Miss Barker (Head of PSHCEe) and make it clear which parts of the programme they do not wish their child to participate in.