Park High Pride Youth Network
What is the Pride Youth Network (PYN)?
The Park High Pride Youth Network (PYN) is an student-led organisation which seeks to challenge homo/bi/transphobic+ language and behaviour and to create a LGBT+ friendly school.
What does the Pride Youth Network do?
We have regular meetings to discuss the different activities students can do to raise awareness, with a shared aim to create a more inclusive, safe school environment where everyone is able to freely express who they are. We have done lots of things in order to try to raise awareness such as:
- Ran assemblies for all year groups to educate young people
- Created a display to raise awareness of our services and ideas
- Fundraised money for LGBT+ charities through an Educate and Celebake cake sale
- Run a ‘drop in’ every Thursday for any student who needs support
- Attended the Pride Youth Network conference and received the PYN pioneering award
- Having an LGBT+ inclusive range of books in the school library
- A PYN support page on Canvas for students who want to access support and advice
- Held a coffee morning for parents to find out more about us and inform them on how they can help challenge homo/ bi/ transphobic language at home
- Led a staff training session on creating a more LGBT+ curriculum.
- We also have a upcoming PRIDE non-uniform day!
Members can be identified by our rainbow badges.
How to apply
Anyone is welcome to join – just come and speak to Miss Barker or an existing PYN member to find out more!