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The British Museum

British Museum

What better place to learn about the history of the United Kingdom than in The British Museum! Known for its Egyptian mummies and the Rosetta Stone.

Location Great Russell Street. London. Greater London. WC1B 3DG

Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museums (iwm.org.uk)

Take a step back in time and uncover the rich history behind World War I and World War II at the Imperial War Museum.

Location IWM London. Lambeth Road. London. Greater London. SE1 6HZ

Wallace Collection

The Wallace Collection - The Wallace Collection

Discover exceptional paintings, sculpture, ceramics, furniture and arms and armour, gifted to Britain in 1900, in a historic London house museum.

Location Hertford House Manchester Square, London W1U 3BN

The Royal Air Force Museum

RAF Museum London | London Aircraft Museum | Free Admission

Showcase a series of exhibitions dedicated to the history of aviation.

Location Grahame Park Way, London NW9 5LL

National Maritime Museum

National Maritime Museum | Visit Royal Museums Greenwich (rmg.co.uk)

The galleries and displays allow you to discover ships and boats of all shapes and sizes, voyage across the world’s oceans, and experience epic adventures of exploration and encounter.

Location Romney Road, Greenwich SE10 9NF

The Museum of the Order of St. John

The Museum of the Order of St John (museumstjohn.org.uk)

An unexpectedly interesting spot with a collection of artefacts including a bronze cannon given by Henry VIII.

Location 26 St. John St, London EC1M 4DA