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Aim Higher Maths Challenge

As part of the Aim Higher Programme launched by Mr. Clarke, 38 Year 7 students took part in a Maths challenge. This was an Escape Room style of challenge, in which puzzles had to be solved in one "room" in order to progress into the next. It was an exciting race between very motivated students who worked together in groups to crack the codes. At the end, the groups had to solve an anagram to find the real name of one of the characters in the puzzles.

The students demonstrated curiosity, resilience and excellent teamwork skills as they tried to solve the problems. This mental tenacity that the students displayed was inspiring and is something that they have proven helps individuals not only in their studies, but life in general when it comes to solving problems. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and intrigue. Through this activity, the students also displayed compassion and integrity in solving each puzzle by helping one another and making genuine attempts to understand and solve.



“I feel privileged to be selected for the Aim Higher program. It is a wonderful opportunity as it really pushes us to be at our full potential. On 19th June, we took part in a Maths Challenge in the Sixth Form. This really opened my mind and made me think hard about the questions. We used two of our Park High Virtues to get us through the task – Resilience and Teamwork. We worked hard as a team to figure out the questions and resilience as we had to keep on trying and not give up”- Haaris 7RS

“I think this programme is very good for boosting our academic knowledge and confidence, it also gives us multiple chances to think about our future. It provides us with opportunities to help develop our thinking and our future prospects. The Maths Challenge that we took part in made us work together as a team, to help solve difficult and challenging tasks. It makes us see things in a different perspective. Overall, I think this programme will help us develop in many ways”Bianca 7DL



The teachers were very proud of the exemplary behaviour and the drive and enthusiasm the students showed. Certificates will be given to the top three teams and a prize will given to the top team. Well done and all the best for the English and Science Aim High events coming up!