Deputy Prefects
Deputy Prefects
Cameron & Izzy
Senior Prefects
Naiyan, Trishan, Maris & NIv
Year 10 Deputy Prefects
The Deputy Prefects are nominated by their tutors and Head of Year in the spring term of year 9. They fulfil duties before school and at lunch time to ensure the smooth running of the school and cover year 11 prefects when they are excused from their duties for their mock exams. It is an opportunity to gain transferable skills such as collaborating with others and developing communication skills.
All Year 10 students have the opportunity to apply to become a prefect in the Spring term.A good prefect will have the following qualities:
- Enthusiasm
- Commitment
- Sense of humour
- Track record of contribution
- Reliable
- Can work with others and on your own
- Can balance school learning with the role of prefect
- Well presented
For more information Please speak to the current Prefects or Ms Calero