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Science / Medicine

The Science Museum


The home of human ingenuity, with award-winning exhibitions, iconic objects and stories of incredible scientific achievement.

Location Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD

The Natural History Museum

Home | Natural History Museum (nhm.ac.uk)

It’s one of England’s largest museums! Home to over 80 million amazing plants, animals, fossils, rocks and minerals and a giant T-Rex!

Location Cromwell Road. Kensington. Greater London. SW7 5BD

Grant Museum of Zoology

Grant Museum of Zoology | UCL CULTURE - UCL – University College London

Showcasing the weird and wonderful nature, including Dodo bones, Anaconda skeletons, The Brain Skeleton and 14,000 different specimens of insects, which have been preserved in a variety of interesting ways.

Location 21 University Street. Bloomsbury. London. Greater London. WC1E 6DE

Hunterian Museum

Hunterian Museum | Homepage

Discover the art and science of surgery from ancient times to the present day. Including the extraordinary specimen collection of the 18th century surgeon anatomist John Hunter.

Location Royal College Of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE


Wellcome Collection

Wellcome Collection | A free museum and library exploring health and human experience

It displays a mixture of medical artefacts and original artworks exploring "ideas about the connections between medicine, life and art”, and a library.

Location 183 Euston Road, University Of London, London NW1 2BE · 8.8 mi