History Detective Games
Use the BBC Bitesize Website to play some history detective games and also research areas you enjoy.
Visit to Headstone Manor
Visit Headstone Manor and look at some local history.
Fun History Games
Using the Royal Historic Palaces website here are some fun History games to play!
Wars and Conflicts
Whatever your interest in the First and Second World Wars, the Cold War and more recent conflicts, the Imperial War Museum has lots of challenges and activities for you to enhance your knowledge:
Family Research
Was a member of your family one of the 1.7 million people who fought and died in World War One or Two? Using the link below you can research where they are buried and download a commemorative certificate and photographs.
Year 7 into Year 8 Bridging Work
Get a head start on your topics for next term. The is to learn more about conflict and monarchy in the Medieval period. Download the document below, bring your work to your first history lesson in September and stick it into your exercise book.